Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

4002 members found

Mohamed W. Negm, Lecturer
Assiut University
Department of Plant Protection

Gloriselle Negron Rios, Professor
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Department of Agricultural Education

Shannon Neibergs, Associate Professor
Washington State University
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Howard Neibling, Associate Professor
University of Idaho, Moscow
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Brad Neiger, Professor
Brigham Young University
College of Biology and Agriculture

Clinton Neill, Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

KELLY NELSON, Research Assistant Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Agronomy

Laura Nelson, Clinical Instructor
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems

Miriam E. Nelson, Professor
Tufts University
Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Nathan Nelson, Assistant Professor
Kansas State University
Department of Agronomy

Shad Nelson, C.f. Schendel Endowed Professor Of Soil Science
Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Department of Agriculture, Agribusiness and Environmental Sciences

Stuart Nelson, Adjunct Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

DAN NETTLETON, Associate Professor
Iowa State University
Department of Statistics

Stefan Neuenschwander, Professor
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Milton G. Newberry, Assistant Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Agricultural Leadership,Education and Communication


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