Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

4002 members found

Taiichiro OOKAWA, Associate Professor
Tokyo University of Agriculture
Department of Biological Production

Tokushi OOKURA, Professor
Kyoto University
Department of Human Coexistence

Linus Opara, Professor
Sultan Qaboos University
Department of Agricultural Experiment Station

Paul Opler, Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

David G. Oppenheimer, Associate Professor
University of Florida
Department of Botany

James Orf, Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics

Jude Aigbokhaevbo Osamuede ORONSAYE, Professor
University of Benin
Department of Fisheries

Scott Osborn, Associate Professor
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

DOUGLAS C. OSBORNE, Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas at Monticello
College of Forestry, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Edward W. Osborne, Professor
University of Florida
Department of Agricultural Education and Communication

Abdelgadir Ahmed Osman, Professor
Sudan University of Science & Technology
Department of Plant Protection

Alsamowal Mohamed Mirghani Osman, Lecturer
Sudan University of Science & Technology
Department of Soil and Water Sciences

Rasha Abdulateef Mohamed Osman, Lecturer
Sudan University of Science & Technology
Department of Soil and Water Sciences

Izuru OTA, Professor
Kyoto University
Department of Cultural Coexistence

Claudine Ouellet, Professor
Laval University
Department of Agri-Food Economics and Consumer Science


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