Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

4002 members found

James A Robertson, Emeritus Professor
University of Alberta
Renewable Resources

Lisette Robertson
University of Tasmania
School of Aquaculture

John Robinson, Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Kelly Robinson, Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Lauren Robinson, Visiting Assistant Professor
Hampshire College
Department of Animal Behavior and Cognition

Shane Robinson, Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
Department of Agricultural Education, Communications, and 4-H Youth Development

W. DOUGLAS ROBINSON, Assistant Professor
Oregon State University
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Dan Robison, Professor
West Virginia University
Davis College of Agriculture, Forestry and Consumer Sciences

Wilfredo Robles Vazquez, Professor
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Department of Agro-environmental Sciences

Alan Robson, Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Linda Robson, Lecturer
University of Western Australia
School of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Julian Roche, Lecturer
University of Western Australia
School of Agricultural and Resource Economics

D’Ann Rochon, Professor
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems

J. Daniel Rodgers, Associate Professor
University of Wyoming
Department of Renewable Resources

Oscar Rodriguez, Research Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture


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