Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

4002 members found

Laela Sayigh, Associate Professor
Hampshire College
Department of Animal Behavior and Cognition

James N. Scarborough, Associate Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Bioresources Engineering

Jennifer Ann Scasta, Assistant Lecturer
Texas A&M University - College Station
Department of Agricultural Education

Walter H. Schacht, Associate Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Kai Schafft, Associate Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education

Christina Schallenberg, Research Associate Professor
University of Tasmania
School of Aquaculture

RHODA M. SCHANTZ, Associate Professor
University of Wyoming
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

William Schapaugh, Professor
Kansas State University
Department of Agronomy

PETER SCHARF, Associate Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Agronomy

Clemens Scheer, Adjunct Associate Professor
Queensland University of Technology
Department of Agriculture

Olaf Schelezki, Lecturer
Lincoln University
Department of Wine, Food and Molecular Biosciences

Doug Schemske, Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Plant Biology

Herbert Scher, Emeritus Professor
University of California, Davis
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Thomas F. Scherer, Associate Professor
North Dakota State University
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Jeff Schiffer, Professor
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems


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