Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

4002 members found

John K. Schueller, Professor
University of Florida
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Jane Schuh, Professor
North Dakota State University
College of Agriculture, Food Science and Natural Resources

Ger Schultink, Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies

Darrell G. Schulze, Professor
Purdue University
Department of Agronomy

Catherine Schuppli, Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems

Greta Schuster, Professor
Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Department of Agronomy and Resource Sciences

Gerhardus Schutink, Professor And Director
Michigan State University
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

T. Schuur, Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Department of Botany

Charles Schwab, Associate Professor
Iowa State University
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Jurgen G Schwarz, Professor
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Sciences

Lachlan Schwarz, Lecturer
Charles Sturt University
School of Agricultural & Wine Sciences

Lee E. Schweitzer, Professor
Purdue University
Department of Agronomy

Casey Sclar, Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Entomology

Gaylan G Scofield, Professor
Iowa State University
Department of Agricultural Education and Studies

Steve Scofield, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Purdue University
Department of Agronomy


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