Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

4002 members found

Loyd R. Stone, Professor
Kansas State University
Department of Agronomy

Robin Stonecash, Associate Professor
University of Sydney
Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

David Stooksbury, Assistant Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Christine Storer, Senior Lecturer
Charles Sturt University
School of Agricultural & Wine Sciences

Daniel E. Storm, Professor
Oklahoma State University
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Philip Stott, Lecturer
University of Adelaide
Department of Agricultural & Animal Science

Phil Stouffer, Professor
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
School of Renewable Natural Resources

Beth Strain, Research Instructor
University of Tasmania
School of Aquaculture

Donald A. Stratton, Senior Lecturer
University of Vermont
Plant Biology

Alto Straughn, Professor
University of Florida
Department of Agricultural Education and Communication

Nadia Streletskaya, Assistant Professor
Oregon State University
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Stephen Strelkov, Assistant Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science

Gustavo Striker, Lecturer
University of Western Australia
School of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Darryl Strode, Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of Community & Leadership Development

Jennifer Strong, Associate Professor
Texas A&M University - College Station
Department of Agricultural Education


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