Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

4002 members found

James Tillotson, Adjunct Professor
Tufts University
Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Sunday Tim, Associate Professor
Iowa State University
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Adrian Timms, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education

Rebecca Tirado Corbalá, Research Professor
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Department of Agro-environmental Sciences

Hosam Hani Titi, Associate Professor
University of Jordan
Department of Animal Production

Ronald Tjeerdema, Professor
University of California, Davis
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Kenneth Todar, Senior Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Bacteriology

Antonette Todd, Assistant Professor
Delaware State University
Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Bridgid Todd, Research Assistant Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Agricultural and Resource Economics

James Todd, Adjunct Professor
University of Guelph
Department of Plant Agriculture

Kim Todd, Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Dennis Todey , Associate Professor
South Dakota State University
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

Yasushi TODOROKI, Associate Professor
Shizuoka University
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry

Eric Tohver, Associate Professor
University of Western Australia
School of Earth and Geographical Sciences

Yukako Tokutake, Assistant Professor
Tohoku University
Department of Applied Bio-Sciences


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