Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

2231 members found

Michael S. Strickland, Assistant Professor
University of Idaho, Moscow
Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences

Jeffrey W. Stringer, Associate Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of Forestry

Gary A. Strobel, Professor
Montana State University
Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology

Jeffrey S Strock, Assistant Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Soil, Water and Climate

E.L. Stromberg, Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology & Weed Science

Mary Stromberger, Associate Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences

Judy Strommer, Adjunct Professor
University of Guelph
Department of Plant Agriculture

Martina Stromvik, Assistant Professor
McGill University
Department of Plant Science

BILL STUMP, Assistant Professor
University of Wyoming
Department of Plant Sciences

Hsiu-Yuan Su, Associate Professor
National Taiwan University
Department of Agronomy

Jayasankar Subramanian, Assistant Professor
University of Guelph
Department of Plant Agriculture

Senthil Subramanian , Assistant Professor
South Dakota State University
Department of Plant sciences

Prasanta Subudhi, Assistant Professor
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Department of Agronomy

Zulkefly Sulaiman, Professor
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Department of Crops Science

Al Sullivan, Professor
University of Guelph
Department of Plant Agriculture


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