Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

2231 members found

Teferi Tsegaye, Associate Professor
Arizona State University
Department of Plant and Soil Science

Te-Ming Paul Tseng, Assistant Professor
Mississippi State University
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

Michito Tsuyama, Assistant Professor
Kyushu University
Department of Agro-environmental Sciences

Olga Tsyusko, Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of Plant & Soil Sciences

R. Scott Tubbs , Assistant Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Hale Ann Tufan, Adjunct Associate Professor
Cornell University
Department of Plant Breeding

Mitch R Tuinstra, Professor
Purdue University
Department of Agronomy

Markus Tuller, Associate Professor
University of Arizona
Department of Soil, Water and Enviromental Science

Joy K. Tumuhairwe, Lecturer
Makerere University
Department of Soil Science

Chih-Wei Tung, Assistant Professor
National Taiwan University
Department of Agronomy

Ronald Turco, Professor
Purdue University
Department of Agronomy

Oğuz Can TURGAY, Associate Professor
Ankara University
Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Robert Turgeon, Professor
Cornell University
Department of Plant Biology

Thomas Turner, Associate Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Plant Science

Brent Turnipseed , Professor
South Dakota State University
Department of Plant sciences


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