Who's Who in
Agriculture Academia

2231 members found

William M. Walker, Emeritus Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Crop Sciences

John M. Wallace, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Plant Science

Ted Wallace, Professor
Mississippi State University
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

Fran L. Walley, Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Soil Science

Linda L Walling, Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences

Stuart Alan Walters, Assistant Professor
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Department of Plant, Soil & General Agriculture

Clint Waltz, Associate Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Guojie Wang, Assistant Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Plant Science

Jaw-Fen Wang, Professor
National Taiwan University
Department of Agronomy

Jianping Wang, Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Department of Agronomy

Kan Wang, Associate Professor
Iowa State University
Department of Agronomy

S.-Y. Simon Wang, Associate Professor
Utah State University
Department of Plants Soils and Biometeorology

Shu-Jen Wang, Professor
National Taiwan University
Department of Agronomy

Yong Wang, Associate Professor
Arizona State University
Department of Plant and Soil Science

Yue-Wen Wang, Assistant Professor
National Taiwan University
Department of Agronomy


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