Assistant Professor of Groundwater Hydrology
Position Overview:
The salary range for this position is $102,200 - $125,400 (annual). "Off-scale salaries" and other components of pay, i.e., a salary that is higher than the published system-wide salary at the designated rank and step, are offered when necessary to meet competitive conditions, qualifications, and experience.
The Department of Land, Air and Water Resources in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Davis is recruiting an Assistant Professor of Groundwater Hydrology with strong expertise in hydrogeology and in physical groundwater flow and contaminant transport processes, including the ability to use and improve upon numerical methods and data from neighboring disciplines (e.g. geophysics, AI) to cross a wide range of temporal and spatial scales in available data support, process description, focus of inquiry, and integration with other hydrological processes.
The appointee is expected to establish a competitively funded innovative and internationally recognized research program to address critical and emerging issues in groundwater and modeling science that will contribute significantly to society's needs to sustainably manage and secure groundwater resources at the urban, agricultural, and natural landscape interface. Potential areas of research include the application of interdisciplinary and integrative methods of physical, stochastic, and statistical groundwater analysis including the quantitative assessment and prediction of groundwater supply, flow, storage, and their nexus to natural and working landscapes (cities, rural development, agriculture) and climate change, and of fate and transport of environmental and emerging contaminants. The appointee is expected to establish collaborations with experts in watershed science, agricultural water and irrigation management, climate change research and other allied fields.
The appointee is responsible for developing a strong teaching and academic mentoring program that educates tomorrow's water professionals and empowers them to address integrated water management and sustainability issues in the context of groundwater resources. The appointee will teach at least two undergraduate level and one graduate level course covering the fundamentals of groundwater flow and transport, groundwater hydraulics, geology and geochemistry, characterization and modeling of subsurface heterogeneity, and simulation of groundwater flow and transport processes (e.g., numerical methods to solve flow and transport processes, inverse modeling, geostatistics, data science, AI). The appointee's teaching program will support the Hydrology (HYD), Environmental Science & Management (ESM), and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) majors, and the Hydrologic Sciences and Soils and Biogeochemistry graduate groups. Graduates from these programs are an important source of new hydrologists and water resources managers. The expectation for the appointee's teaching load is 2.5 courses per year of which one course should be high enrollment (> 60 students). Classes that could be assigned include: HYD 10/SAS 10 Water, Power, Society (~100 students), SSC 107 Soil Physics, HYD 146/GEL 156 Hydrogeology & Contaminant Transport (~25 students), HYD 269 Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Systems (~20 students), or HYD 273 (Introduction to Geostatistics (~ 20 students). In addition to teaching and curricular development the appointee is also expected to recruit and mentor students from diverse backgrounds at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level.
This is an academic year (9-month), tenure track Assistant Professor position that includes an appointment in the California Agricultural Experiment Station (AES). Faculty members who hold an Agricultural Experiment Station appointment have a responsibility to conduct research and outreach relevant to the mission of the California Agricultural Experiment Station. The appointee is expected to serve the land grant mission by developing basic and applied science related to sustainable groundwater management and groundwater quality protection from the property/site scale to the basin scale. Specifically, research could focus on supporting Californian's constitutional right to provide affordable and reliable drinking water, and policies for supporting sustainable agriculture and food systems under a changing climate. The appointee is expected to develop outreach programs that may include collaboration with state water agencies (e.g., Department of Water Resources, State Water Resources Control Board), federal water agencies (USGS, EPA, DOE, USDA, USBR, USGS), local groundwater sustainability agencies across the western U.S., environmental justice and community water organizations (e.g., Community Water Center), and flood management districts, among others. This position is also expected to collaborate with Cooperative Extension specialists and advisors, partners in allied industries or other appropriate public stakeholders. Participation in outreach programs and performance of University and professional service are also expected.
This position will be recruited at the Assistant Professor rank, regardless of the proposed appointee's qualifications. This is a tenure-track academic year (9-month) position.
Initial review of applications will be conducted using anonymized versions of the Statement of Research Accomplishments and Interests and the Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Applications demonstrating sufficient potential based on this review will be advanced to full review.
The University of California is committed to creating and maintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application, and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors through academic excellence, where all individuals who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in a safe and secure environment, free of violence, harassment, discrimination, exploitation, or intimidation. With this commitment, UC Davis conducts a reference check on all first-choice candidates for Academic Senate Assistant Professor or Assistant Professor of Teaching, Steps 4, 5, or 6, or Acting Professor of Law positions. The reference check involves contacting the administration of the applicant's previous institution(s) to ask whether there have been substantiated findings of misconduct that would violate the University's Faculty Code of Conduct. To implement this process, UC Davis requires all applicants for any open search for assistant professor to complete, sign, and upload the form entitled "Authorization to Release Information" into RECRUIT as part of their application. If an applicant does not include the signed authorization with the application materials, the application will be considered incomplete, and as with any incomplete application, will not receive further consideration. Although all applicants for faculty recruitments must complete the entire application, only finalists considered for Academic Senate Assistant Professor or Assistant Professor of Teaching, Steps 4, 5, or 6, or Acting Professor of Law positions will be subject to reference checks.
UC Davis is an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity employer and is dedicated to recruiting a diverse faculty community. We welcome all qualified applicants to apply, including women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
UC Davis supports Family-friendly recruitments. UC Davis covers travel expenses for a second person to accompany an invited faculty recruitment candidate who is a mother (or single parent of either gender) of a breast or bottle-feeding child less than two years of age. http://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/programs/work-life/index.html
UC Davis recognizes the necessity of supporting faculty with efforts to integrate work, family and other work-life considerations. To recruit and retain the best faculty, the campus sponsors a Work Life
Program that provides programs and services that support faculty as they strive to honor their commitments to work, home and community. http://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/programs/worklife/index.html
The UC Davis Partner Opportunities Program (POP) and Capital Resource Network (CRN) are services designed to support departments and Deans' offices in the recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty. For information about POP, please visit https://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/partner-opportunities-program-pop. For information about the CRN, please visit https://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/capital-resource-network. Please note eligibility for these programs may be based on policy and funding availability.
To apply, visit https://recruit.ucdavis.edu/JPF06867